Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our friend Clif

One year after the cold call of a life time.Love you my brother, uncle, father, cousin, friend . You are to a lot of us all these and more....

Somethings Gotta Give....

I asked my mom to take a pre-surgery picture of Dad for the blog..... I was thinking something like Dad dressed down in his gown, cozy in his hospital bed with a big Jack Nicholson grin......

Instead, I got the Jack Nicholson butt. Enjoy.

I guess Somethings Gotta Give.... :-)


ctenaya said...

OMG, Spiffy Cliffy! :)

Justuff said...

Hey ,reminds me , I lost a set of keys over there,Can you reach um Cliff?No - Butt - seriously.You crack me up . Wait do you have a W on each cheek to go with that O in the middle , Flick of the Bic sir ,Hairy isn't it,What did you expect , feathers,lQQks like one flew over the cucooz nest again..Oh wait mam it's time for your suppository ,Hold that thought , Reminds me at this time of year a turkey neck aint all that badd,Got the wish bone??Hazzah He's up ! Love Jim Hamintin...P S , Hey doc , check the oil while your down there....!;^) -God bless a man with a sence of Humor , and not an ounce of pride.Arize oh Dairyair!!!P S , How many ears of corn would you like ? ? ?Whos your Barber , two square cuttz - -OMG , Finally a smile - -Oh this is ripe. .STOP IT JIM - -Stop it now,O K Love HaMBonZ


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